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NCCU, School of Business Faculty
Thank you again for a wonderful workshop. I thoroughly enjoyed the session and hopefully I will get the opportunity to attend other sessions in the future.
21st CCLC Afterschool Director
I especially appreciated the activities and strategies to share with teachers and staff to strengthen classroom management.
Elizabeth City State University Instructor
The workshop gave me some good ideas and information on improving pedagogy for different types of learners.

Come Learn with Us
PC² Educational Consultants, LLC offers a variety of face-to-face and virtual workshops to facilitate active learning and student engagement in the K-12 physical or online setting. Teaching and learning techniques are research-based and brain-friendly. Workshops are highly interactive, designed to increase faculty efficacy and student academic success. Click on the link for workshop titles, descriptions, and how you can bring a PC² workshop to your school or school district.
Break Your Comfort Zone
PC² Educational Consultants, LLC provides professional development workshops and activities, online or face-to-face, to meet the instructional needs of college faculty. Whether you are interested in course redesign, syllabus development, culturally responsive teaching, or facilitating effective lectures and discussions, PC² aligns best instructional practices with Quality Matters Standards. Click on the link for workshop titles, descriptions, and how you can bring PC² professional talent development to your department, college, or university.